Seven INTELECTUAL OUTPUTS will be developed during the project implementation, having master students and teaching and non-teaching staff as target groups


1. Nutritional quality of horticultural products handbook, led by Romanian partner

2. Chemical pesticide-free horticulture handbook – led by Bulgarian partner,


– Volume 1
European legal frameworK for ‘non-chemical methods’ in plant protection and crop pest management

– Volume 2
Agronomic techniques, physical and mechanical methods for crop pests, diseases, and weeds management
– Volume 3
Biological control of crop pests, pathogens, and weeds


3. Sustainable use of pesticides and their residues monitoring handbook, led by Romanian partner.

4. Urban horticulture handbook, led by Bulgarian partner,

5. Sustainable use of pesticides. Easing the way for a chemical-free horticulture movie, led by the Turkish partner,

6. Urban horticulture, a tool for a better living environment movie, led by Bulgarian partner.

7. Hort4EUGren Online platform, led by Romanian partner.


  • M1 Kick-off meeting in Bucharest

Friday, January 29, we officially launched the ”Enhancing practical skills of horticulture specialists to better address the demands of the European Green Deal” ERASMUS+ project.

Project presentations are available on project YouTube page.


  • MA6 Project webpage launch and updates

The project web page was launched on 4 March 2021. You are here, just going through it!

  • MA9 Internal communication
  • MA13 Stakeholder involvement events