The O6 “Urban horticulture, a tool for a better living environment” movie is a standalone visual course on Urban horticulture, that last 32:07 minutes, with 11 units, as follows:
Unit 1. How to start an urban garden
Unit 2. Urban gardening in the vision of Root foundation, Bulgaria
Unit 3. The soil of urban gardening
Unit 4. The seedlings in urban gardening
Unit 5. Types of beds and systems of cultivation
Unit 6. Example of good practices. Sofia`s balconies and Ina Gerdikova
Unit 7. Example of good practices. Sofia`s ZaDrujba Garden
Unit 8. Example of good practices. Sofia`s shared vegetable garden `Studenski Grad`
Unit 9. Vertical walls in the city
Unit 10. Honeybees in the modern cities
Unit 11. Pest, diseases and weeds
The final movie it is more that an illustration of O4 handbook. The innovation side of the movie is the parallelism with the handbook, as it includes units that are identical with units from the book. The movie was conceived completely different than IO5, being the type of documentary more than a teaching material to be watch before the exam or in a break. The voiceover makes the movie appropriate for organizing workshops, student’s movie hours, or watch it with the entire family. It is a good example for a screening movie, then a phone watched one. The idea behind this approach was to get the students feedback on their preference and ease to learn and remember, as well as being a sparkling to transform the audience in true factors of change.
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