Theory and practice in nutritional quality of horticultural products analysis

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  • Theory and practice in nutritional quality of horticultural products analysis
02 jún

Enhancing practical skills of horticulture specialists to better address the demands of the European Green Deal.
Project number: 2020-1-RO01-KA203-080398
Hybrid workshop
Theory and practice in nutritional quality of horticultural products analysis, in the EU Green Deal context
Time: Friday, 03.06.2022, 15.30 ÷ 17.30 (GMT+3)
Location: Research center for studies of food quality and agricultural products, 1st floor, Meeting room

University of Agronomic Sciences and Veterinary Medicine of Bucharest
To access the meeting click here: ZOOM link

15.30 -15.35Welcome. Virtual Meeting EtiquetteDr. Roxana CICEOI
Research Center, USAMV Bucharest
15.35 – 15.50Importance of knowledge related to the
nutritional quality of horticultural products
Prof. dr. Liliana BĂDULESCU
USAMV Bucharest
15.50 – 16.10Analyses methods of the nutritional quality of
horticultural products
Dr. Oana Bujor / Dr. Violeta Ion
Research Center, USAMV Bucharest
16.10 – – an emerging educational
platform with auxiliary materials about theory
and practice in horticultural related topics
Dr. Roxana CICEOI
Research Center, USAMV Bucharest
16.30-16.50Influence of plant protection treatments on
the nutritional quality of horticultural
products – paprika example
Dr. Eszter TAKÁCS / Dr. Szandra
KLÁTYIK, Hungarian University of
Agriculture and Life Sciences,
16.50-17.10Analysis of the nutritional quality of
horticultural products in Bulgaria
All questions and feedbacks will be
addressed directly or on the Zoom
Chat section

Registration Form:

The hibrid workshop “Theory and practice in nutritional quality of horticultural products analysis, in the EU Green Deal contect” will take place on Friday, 03.06.2022, 15:30 – 17.30 (GTM+3) at the Research Center of Studies of Food Quality and Agricultural Products, 1st floor, Meeting room.

*The event will take place in English

*The University of Agronomic Sciences and Veterinary Medicine of Bucharest, based in Bucharest, BD. Mărăști no. 59, guarantees the treatment of the data provided by the participan, for purposes exclusively related to the theme of this indicated event and with its prior consent.